Marc Olivier Ducharme – Fab Labs Nation An across Canada tour to gather Makers under one banner Mon, 21 Aug 2017 13:40:52 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Thank you Fri, 21 Jul 2017 19:52:01 +0000 Thank you, thank you, thank you… Thank you to all of you, without whom this adventure would have never been possible, or would have never been as fun! Honorary mention 1 Monique Chartrand, the pilot and initiator of the project Communautique’s team and especially Geoffroi Garon-Épaule, Guillaume Pelletier, Florence La Rochelle, Guillaume Picard, Philippe

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Small Form Factor Mobile Fab Lab Equipment List Fri, 21 Jul 2017 18:20:15 +0000 So you're into the mobile Fab Lab business... Or just thinking about creating one? You have been asking us advice on what machines to get or somebody sent you this link to help you. Context We have been traveling with tools for twelve weeks, for over 19 000 km of winding roads, dirt roads,

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On our way back East… Fri, 14 Jul 2017 17:04:53 +0000 Driving back East was full of emotions after seeing, hearing feeling so much. We took huge breaths. We filled our lungs with the ocean fresh air from the Pacific, aware of the importance of the next 5000km we would drive in the next two weeks. Still wanting to meet more people, from more Fab

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Moving slowly through westward water Fri, 30 Jun 2017 22:36:11 +0000 We drove through the mountains. The snowy peaks of Jasper, the deep valley of the North Thompson near Clearwater until we reached the arid slopes near Kamloops. This winding road down the Rockies to North-Vancouver, was quite something. We had to be in Powell River by 7PM so we hopped on the first ferry

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Winnipeg’s NorthForge Thu, 29 Jun 2017 18:26:33 +0000 Today, we had an amazing meeting at Winnipeg's North Forge. Thanks to Emilia Nyarku that set up that meeting. Present that day were : Emilia Nyarku, North Forge coordinator Robert Elms, Tour and Outreach coordinator for the North Forge Fabrication lab Kerry Stevenson, North Forge Board member and co-founder of the Fabrication

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A great surprise, passing through Saskatoon! Tue, 20 Jun 2017 22:57:15 +0000 We literally passed through Saskatoon. We arrived late in the evening and on route to our hotel, making a right then left we passed a pickup truck with the word MAKERSPACE in the back window. Stop. Back. A business card under the wiper.

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Briefing of Phase 2 – Ideas Fri, 09 Jun 2017 19:24:37 +0000 After 5 weeks of meeting people in Quebec and the Maritimes, we have accumulated a great deal of… Dreams and possibilities that the ecosystem inter-structure could help create: Inter-fablabs, inter-cultural meetings: create connections between local and abroad cultural communities. Organize simultaneous activities between those laboratories, that could be given in the languages of

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From Gatineau to Kitigan Zibi Fri, 02 Jun 2017 15:03:46 +0000 On June 1st, the caravan met up with Outaouais’s ecosystem. Despite mechanical problems which forced us to leave our truck in Montreal, we transferred our equipment in a rental van and we hit the road. Here are some of the many actors from the region’s Fab Lab development project: The First Peoples Innovation Centre

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An Evening with Haligonian Makers Tue, 23 May 2017 15:08:15 +0000 We spent an evening with the Halifax Makerspace organizers and users. Without a space for more than a year now, the community is still going on. The high rent on commercial spaces that allows the type of activity that occurs in a makerspace makes it difficult for an emerging organization to find a

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A day with Mr. Slade Sun, 21 May 2017 20:55:31 +0000 Today was our day off. We spent it with Mr Slade, in the South-East Cape Breton Island. Retired electrician by trade, maker extraordinaire at heart. We spent the day talking about his many projects and passions. Tinkering with RC planes and cars, networking, satellite communications... It was a precious moment with a Maker

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