Phonesavanh Thongsouksanoumane – Fab Labs Nation An across Canada tour to gather Makers under one banner Mon, 21 Aug 2017 13:39:29 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 BBQ Fab day at Saskatoon Makerspace! Fri, 21 Jul 2017 17:23:12 +0000 How about a little fun? Why not give passers-by the opportunity to stop by a collective workshop? A wide open garage door, the familiar smell of BBQ and people having a conversation in front of a laser cutter, right outdoor. Neighbours, from all walks of life, meet (some for the first time) with Kendra

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On our way back East… Fri, 14 Jul 2017 17:04:53 +0000 Driving back East was full of emotions after seeing, hearing feeling so much. We took huge breaths. We filled our lungs with the ocean fresh air from the Pacific, aware of the importance of the next 5000km we would drive in the next two weeks. Still wanting to meet more people, from more Fab

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The Dying Light in the Midst of Tar Sands Tue, 20 Jun 2017 21:45:37 +0000 We arrived in Edmonton, the capital city of the Canadian province of Alberta, June 19th, after what seemed like a long ride from Winnipeg where we had to stop for a single night in Saskatoon, the Lands of Wheat Kings. The road took us through to the wide-open prairies, full of vibrants colours, from

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Briefing of Phase 2 – Ideas Fri, 09 Jun 2017 19:24:37 +0000 After 5 weeks of meeting people in Quebec and the Maritimes, we have accumulated a great deal of… Dreams and possibilities that the ecosystem inter-structure could help create: Inter-fablabs, inter-cultural meetings: create connections between local and abroad cultural communities. Organize simultaneous activities between those laboratories, that could be given in the languages of

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People and ideas in Longueuil Wed, 31 May 2017 22:26:24 +0000 While Marc-Olivier has to take care of a surprise breakdown of the caravan’s transmission, Phonesavanh and Guillaume hoped in a taxi towards Longueuil for a meeting in a Fab Lab that was inaugurated the day before, at the education centre for adults Lemoyne-d’Iberville. There, we will meet the whole Fab Lab team, and

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Phase 2 Mon, 22 May 2017 20:53:35 +0000 We are now in Halifax and it’s the start of the second phase. This will take place until we reach Gatineau, on June 1st. Our next meetings will be at Michelin Corporate Foundation Innovate Lab and the Wolfville Memorial Public Library. We have “challenged” our interlocutors with our initial question from phase one. We

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